Friday, August 14, 2009



"Who In The World...." A History of People Search

Many years ago when asked how to people search, answers would automatically lead you to the "Whitepages". The original "Whitepages" publication was created in 1880. It was only a single sheet of paper that consisted of 44 telephone numbers. That was almost 130 years ago. Over the years, directories evolved gradually but still remained the most popular and efficient way to find people. However, this method was only successful if your people search consisted of subjects who were "listed". Another limitation was that the directories were designated to local areas. This remained the people search method even up to 2 decades ago.

Some companies that used to publish directories in book form began to offer online directories around the late 199os. So people searches that used to be limited to local cities, now began to access the world wide web. In addition to covering more area, Online searches expanded on the type of information that could be obtained. A people search that used to produce just names, addresses, and telephone numbers evolved to include a larger variety of information such as email addresses, work location, etc. If one is willing to pay, you can even access more detailed information such as background information, public records, and the list goes on!

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